Blodeugerdd o lenyddiaeth Ewropeaidd gan wragedd gyda'r pwyslais ar lenydda am le, yn arbennig Cymru. Cynhwysir llenyddiaeth ffeithiol greadigol, traethodau llenyddol, ffuglen a barddoniaeth. Ceir ffotograffiaeth gan Vanessa Winship ac M R Thomas. Mae'r rhifyn hwn yn cynnwys erthygl bortread o'r awdur a'r llenor taith Jan Morris.
'All the World in a Welsh Hayloft: When MR Thomas Met Jan Morris', photographs © MR Thomas
'Dawn Chorus, Vesper Flights: Yvonne Reddick on three broad-ranging nature essay collections by women which explore anthropomorphism, grief, ‘mansplaining’ and the necessary limits set by Nemesis'
'Ice' Story by Jem Poster, photographs by Vanessa Winship
'An Eden' Story by Simon Howells
'The Summer of Nadia Comăneci' Carrie Etter
'Outward Bound' Jonathan Edwards
'Arrows' Jonathan Edwards
'Days of 1998' Jonathan Edwards
'I Am Unlearning' Julia Forster
'Let's Pretend' Julia Forster
'Boulevard Saint-Laurent' Ceri Morgan
'Word Wound' Ceri Morgan
'Very Clear and Detailed in the Odd Brilliant Light' Elizabeth Chadwick-Pywell